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24 Best Google Adsense Alternatives For Higher Profits In 2024

24 Best Google Adsense Alternatives Featured image

Are you looking for alternatives to Google Adsense for your website? You’re in the right place!

While Google Adsense is one of the most popular contextual advertising networks, with no minimum traffic amounts required and the ability to earn 68% of the ad spend, it may not be the best fit for everyone.

I’ve been in the digital marketing industry for over a decade now during which I’ve tried over 40 different ad networks.

In this article, I’ll show you the 24 best alternative advertising networks based on my own experience. From networks with higher payouts to those with a lower barrier to entry for beginners, I’ve got you covered.

GoogleAdSense Homepage

Quick Summary

  • While Google AdSense is a good choice for new blogs and free online tools, it’s not the best network in terms of revenue and flexibility.
  • Choosing an alternative ad network over AdSense offers benefits such as relaxed eligibility requirements, a higher revenue share, improved ad customization options, and the ability to use a companion network alongside AdSense.
  • The best Adsense alternative for your website depends on various factors such as your site’s traffic, content quality, audience demographics, and your personal preferences.

Why Consider An AdSense Alternative?

You should consider an AdSense Alternative because AdSense may not be the right fit for your website.

Ads are one of the easiest monetization methods for most online publishers. Google AdSense makes it achievable for content creators at all levels to monetize their content.

Why Consider An AdSense Alternative Illustration

However, despite its popularity, AdSense isn’t always the best fit for every website. Some of the reasons why bloggers look for alternatives include the following.

  • Eligibility Requirements: Even without any requirements for publishers to reach specific traffic levels, Google has high standards when it comes to the quality of its display ad network. If your website wasn’t approved for an AdSense account, you might be better off looking at ad networks with a lower bar for entry.
  • Higher Earnings: Although publishers earn 68% of Google’s ad revenue, it’s possible to find other ad networks that pay more. If your website makes the cut, it may be worth considering the switch to see your profits rise.
  • Minimal Customization: Compared to other networks, many bloggers and publishers find it limiting to customize the look of Google’s ads on their website. If you’re after an option with more ad space customization, we’ve got a few recommendations coming up.
  • Ads Tailored to Your Content: If you’re looking for a more tailored or custom approach to ads, you’ll need to look beyond AdSense. Several other networks can work directly with you to create bespoke ads solutions you’re happy with.

So let’s jump into the best Google AdSense alternatives you can use to earn more from your content this year.

24 Best Adsense Alternatives

1. Homepage

Run by Bing and Yahoo, is the top advertising network for anyone looking for alternatives to Google AdSense.

It is a direct AdSense competitor and offers the closest match in product options, ad types, and earning potential.

Just like AdSense, there are certain requirements your website needs to meet to be approved. For instance, your website must provide high-quality content and have a clean and professional design.

Your traffic sources also matter. Websites with audiences from the US, UK, or Canada are preferred.

As a leading provider of contextual ads, is also widely used by big publishers, including some household names like Forbes and Business Insider.

If you’re after the closest 1:1 comparison to AdSense, you really can’t look past!


2. PropellerAds

PropellerAds Homepage

PropellerAds is another Google AdSense alternative that can be used to monetize new and old blogs. Known for their popunder ads, Propeller Ads may be somewhat aggressive for some blogs.

These types of ads sit underneath your webpage and pop up when the window is closed. If you’re not a fan of these types of ads, you can also choose from more traditional ads. You can choose from targeted and non-targeted ads for any device. These can include native ads, banners, and video ads.

Like AdSense, there’s no minimum traffic requirement, so it’s ideal for new blogs to consider this alternative. Another bonus is that unlike AdSense and (which both have a $100 payout limit), PropellerAds threshold is only $5.


3. InfoLinks

InfoLinks Homepage

As an alternative to display advertising, InfoLinks’ ad specialty is in-text placements. By searching for keywords and topics existing on the page, InfoLinks can match text ads with relevant snippets in your content.

Topically relevant in-text ads work brilliantly on blogs with long-form content. More words mean more places for relevant ads!

With no minimum page view requirements and no setup fee, InfoLinks is also worth checking out by new and experienced bloggers alike.


4. SkimLinks

SkimLinks Homepage

Next on our list is SkimLinks. As affiliate marketers, we love a well blended monetization model, and SkimLinks offers you just that.

SkimLinks is a unique option because not only does it skim your text to find relevant partners to promote, it also turns links in the ads into an affiliate link. That’s right; you can earn ad revenue and affiliate revenue from the same program.

With a low payout minimum ($10), SkimLinks may be right up your alley if affiliate marketing is one of your monetization methods.

A potential downside to this program is that while payout limits are low, there are 90-day terms. This means you won’t get paid for about 3 months.


5. RevContent

RevContent Homepage

RevContent’s ads are specifically designed to blend in with the rest of your content. As a leader in native ads, many publishers love RevContent because of the degree of customization available to match the high-quality ads to the look and feel of their blogs.

Quality is paramount with this network. It attracts advertisers who are willing to pay more as a result.

The catch?

RevContent is highly selective, much more than what AdSense is. If you’re having trouble meeting AdSense requirements, chances you’ll meet those of Rev Content are very slim.

Your site will need to be earning at least 50,000 unique views per month. And, you’ll need to publish quality content regularly. Even so, the payout minimum is $50, and you’ll be paid monthly if you get accepted into this program.


6. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser Homepage

As the name suggests, Bidvertiser operates on a bidding system. Rather than choosing ads automatically, Bidvertiser reserves ad space on your website and then sells it to the highest bidder.

There are pros and cons to a system like this versus what you get with AdSense.

If your site brings in enough traffic, then it’s more likely advertisers will bid more to place ads on your site. But, if advertisers don’t know about your site at all, likely, you may not receive any bids at all.

If you decide this program is a good fit for your needs, you’ll be pleased to know the minimum payout is $10 through PayPal.


7. BuySellAds

Buy SellAds Homepage

Is your website earning consistent levels of high traffic? With over 100,000 page views per month, you are likely to be eligible to apply to more exclusive networks.

BuySellAds is a highly exclusive ad network that only accepts publishers whose websites display excellence in content and design. It is also a requirement that the website is in the English language.

If this sounds like you, then you may be able to receive up to 75% commission per click. This is very competitive for the industry and already higher than Google’s commissions too.

With a minimum payout of $20 via PayPal, you won’t have any trouble accessing your earnings!


8. Sovrn //Commerce (Previously VigLink)

Sovrn Commerce Homepage

Another decent option for beginners is Sovrn //Commerce. Yes, it’s a bit of a strange name with the double slash and all, but it’s still an ad network worth checking out!

You can choose various ad formats such as display ads, video ads, and affiliate links to insert into your content.

You’ll also get a reporting portal where you can track the ad performance of all your pages and make smarter decisions about your ad placement to maximize your earnings.

With no barrier to entry, minimum payouts as low as $10, and PayPal payments, what are you waiting for?

We also like that bank deposits are a payment option. However, minimum payouts for these are $50.


9. Monumetric (Previously The Blogger Network)

Monumetric Homepage

As a blogger-focused ad network, Monumetric pays special attention to the ad units shown on your site. Quality is key here!

Unlike Google Ads or other programs that run cost-per-click (CPC) campaigns, Monumetric pays out per impression (CPM). Typically, earnings for impressions are much lower than clicks, though Monumetric’s rates are among the highest for these types of ads.

Monumetric also makes up for the lower earnings CPM ads deliver by focusing on highly-targeted ads that can complement your content nicely.

It’s worth noting that there is a minimum threshold of 10,000 monthly page views to be considered for this network. Blogs under 80,000 monthly viewers also pay a set-up fee of $99.

It depends on the size of your blog whether this network will be the best one for you. Either way, the payout minimum is only $10 and paid via PayPal or direct deposit.


10. AdThrive

AdThrive Homepage

Similar to Monumetric, AdThrive is another acclaimed ad network that uses the cost-per-impression (CPM) model. Publishers earn 75% of the ad revenue AdThrive collects, which is higher than the payouts offered by AdSense.

However, even though AdThrive is a decent AdSense alternative, it’s not a direct comparison. CPM ads typically earn less than cost-per-click ads.

Even with a higher percentage, it won’t automatically mean you’ll earn more in dollar value. It depends on the size of your website and the niche you target too.

What we love about AdThrive is that they look after their publishing partners with a payment guarantee. You’ll be paid on time, every time, even if they haven’t collected the ad spend from their advertisers.

To make the most of this advantage, your website needs to be generating at least 100,000 page views per month. The minimum payout amount is $25.


11. Mediavine

Mediavine Homepage

Another decent AdSense alternative is Mediavine. It’s a very similar ad network to AdThrive in that it too offers 75% ad revenue share to bloggers and publishers.

If you want to tap into this level of income, but your blog is a bit smaller, Mediavine might be the choice for you. With only 50,000 page views as the monthly minimum, you can still enjoy the benefits of this AdSense alternative while you grow your site to the level needed for the more exclusive networks.

We also love that Mediavine has a large pool of lifestyle advertisers and can handsomely reward website owners in this space. With a variety of ad layouts to complement the look and feel of your design, you can’t go wrong.

The minimum payout is also only $25 for PayPal and local direct deposits.


12. SHE Media

SHE Media Homepage

If your website targets a female audience, SHE Media is an awesome AdSense alternative to look into.

As far as requirements to sign up to this ad network go, you’ll need at least 20,000 views per month, though it’s not a strict requirement. You’ll also need to prove (through your website metrics) that your audience is at least 70% female and 80% US-based.

We find sites that focus on fashion, moms and bubs, women’s issues or the makeup niche are a natural fit for SHE Media.

In addition to advertising, SHE Media also helps bloggers and publishers monetize their content in various ways. For instance, they offer sponsored posts and paid product reviews from their partner network, which sees over 50 million unique visitors a month.


13. RevenueHits

RevenueHits Homepage

A relatively new player on the market that’s also shaking up the traditional way things are done is RevenueHits.

Ads run through RevenueHits are performance-based instead of being based on a cost-per-action model. This means that you only earn revenue when an advertiser’s desired action was completed after the ad on your site was clicked. This could be sales of a product or subscriptions to a newsletter or something else.

We also love the advanced ad optimization tool available. You can gain deeper insights from the performance of ads on your website. You’ll also gain recommendations for better areas to place your ads.

There are no minimum traffic requirements to join RevenueHits, and the minimum payout is $20 via PayPal or Payoneer.


14. AdCash

Ad Cash Homepage

Serving over 200 million monthly users, AdCash is another AdSense alternative to consider. It supports publishers of any size and in any country, making the barrier to entry fairly low.

It also supports a stack of ad formats, including:

  • Popunder Ads
  • Interstitial Ads
  • Text ads
  • In-Page Push Ads
  • In-Stream Video Ads
  • Native Ads
  • Banner Ads
  • Auto tag Ads

The minimum payout is $25, which can be paid via PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, and WebMoney.


15. Amazon Native Shopping Ads

Amazon Native Shopping Ads Homepage

Anyone in the “make money online” space has heard of Amazon. Amazon supports many online business models, including affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and dropshipping. So it’s no surprise it can also support publishers by paying for display ads too.

Amazon Native Shopping Ads is a division of the Amazon Associates program that lets you place display ads for Amazon products on your blog.

The ads are targeted based on the surrounding content. Anytime a visitor clicks the ads and buys a product, you’ll receive commissions from Amazon.

The minimum payment threshold is $10 and is made 60 days after the end of each month.


16. Adversal

Adversal Homepage

Adversal is a self-serve ad platform for native ads. As an alternative to traditional display ads, you can set up native content ads and native video ads too.

To be eligible for Adversal, your site needs to have at least 50,000 page views per month and should not be restricted by a login.

A similar option to Adversal that you could consider if your website isn’t at this level is Taboola. We’ll get to that one later in this article.

Either way, it’s a great AdSense alternative to check out if you’re looking for better partners for native ad units.


17. ylliX

ylliX Homepage

If you’re looking for an AdSense alternative that pays better rates, ylliX fits the bill.

With a 100% worldwide fill rate guarantee, ylliX is considered better at helping publishers earn more from their content. It serves up a variety of ads to suit any preference you have, including:

  • Pop-Under
  • Mobile Redirects
  • Sliders
  • Layer Ads
  • Full-Page Ads

All of these types of ads support cost-per-impression, cost-per-click, and cost-per-action models.

Compared to all the other alternatives to your AdSense account we’ve already covered, we love that ylliX offers a $1 payout minimum and can pay daily. This is far more generous than what we’ve seen anywhere else!


18. Evadav

Evadav Homepage

Evadav is known as one of the top choices for push notification ads. Push notifications can become a great stream of revenue from your audience.

With Evadav’s referral program, you can receive 5% of the revenue made from your push notification ads.

But that’s not all that Evadav offers! They also provide many ad options, including banner ads, native ads, video sliders, and more.

With no requirements for website traffic and weekly payouts, this is a great alternative to AdSense for beginners or anyone wanting to monetize their push notifications.


19. PopCash

PopCash Homepage

PopCash is a network specifically for pop-under ads. Pop-under ads can be somewhat aggressive and aren’t always the best fit for many websites. However, if you’re ok with these ad types, PopCash is one of the best platforms for them.

Publishers can start earning revenue fairly quickly after adding the code to their desired pages. You can also implement PopCash alongside other ad networks allowing you to leverage multiple ad revenue streams.

The minimum payout is also fairly low at $10, with daily payouts and fast approvals are also offered.

However, keep in mind that AdSense ads won’t run on a website utilizing pop-unders due to Google’s ad policies for publishers.


20. PopAds

PopAds Homepage

If pop-under ads tickle your fancy, PopAds is another alternative to AdSense that’s worth checking out.

We love that PopAds gives publishers full control. You can choose the minimum bid price for the pop-unders on your site. You can also limit how many pop-under ads are shown to each visitor per day, so you don’t drive your visitors away from your website.

When it comes to payouts, you can also pull your earnings out at any time. The PopAds team can also deposit payments within 24 hours into your PayPal or AlertPay account.


21. Adsterra

Adsterra Homepage

Adsterra has quickly become one of the fastest-growing and well-respected ad networks. It’s no easy feat to generate over 10 billion impressions a month, yet Adsterra does exactly that!

This ad network makes it super easy to earn from your website visitors with an intuitive and easy-to-use platform. We love that you can be up and running in about 10 mins with their fast approval times!

Minimum payouts start at $5 with WebMoney or Paxum and occur twice a month. You can also opt to receive payouts in Bitcoin, PayPal, Tether, or via wire transfer.


22. AdRecover

AdRecover Homepage

With ad blockers used by about 42.7% of internet users worldwide, your ad revenues can really take a hit. That’s where AdRecover comes into the picture.

AdRecover partners with AdBlock providers to serve static, non-intrusive ads to people who use ad blockers. AdBlock also participates in the Acceptable Ads program. This program holds the standard for specific criteria that ads must meet to be served to AdBlock users.

As a content creator, this is an awesome ad network to consider as it helps monetize a portion of your audience that would otherwise be a black hole for ad revenues.

To join AdRecover, you need a minimum of 10,000 monthly page views that have been adblocked. This could be as much as 50,000 – 60,000 total monthly pageviews.


23. AdClickMedia

AdClickMedia Homepage

Boasting over 6,200 publishers in their network, AdClickMedia is a decent AdSense alternative to check out.

We like the four popular ads models you can choose from AdClickMedia. All of them reward publishers for various actions performed on your website, such as:

  • Cost per click
  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per install
  • Cost per sale

It’s also worth noting; this network isn’t suitable for every blogger as there are only 21 verticals that AdClickMedia works with.

However, if your blog fits into the verticals they do work with, it’s worth looking deeper into how you can increase your earnings. Especially by leveraging all the actions your audience may perform instead of just monetizing through clicks or impressions.


24. Taboola

Taboola Homepage

Unlike AdSense, Taboola offers article suggestions that appear immediately after your content. These ads are common, especially on news sites and celebrity gossip websites, and can blend into your article design.

The biggest downside is that these article suggestions are usually over-the-top “clickbaity”. So, they’re not always a good fit for blogs or publishers with a higher quality standard.

It also helps to know that Taboola isn’t a good fit for publishers with less than 500,000 monthly page views. With such a high bar, smaller blogs and beginners won’t be able to leverage this self-serve advertising platform.


Which Is Best Alternative for AdSense?

The best alternative to AdSense varies based on specific needs, but is widely recognized for its high paying rates and similar contextual ad technology. Other alternatives include Amazon Native Shopping Ads, Infolinks, and PropellerAds.

Can I Monetize My Website Without AdSense?

Yes, you can monetize your website without AdSense. You can use alternative ad networks, sell your own products or services, run affiliate marketing programs, solicit sponsorships, or set up a paid membership or subscription system.

Is AdSense Still Profitable?

AdSense is still a profitable ad platform for website owners and bloggers. However, profitability greatly depends on factors such as website traffic, ad placement, content quality, and audience demographics.

Which AdSense Alternative Is Best For Your Website?

These 24 AdSense alternatives all have something different to offer bloggers and content creators. The best one for your website depends on:

  • Your monetization strategy
  • The types of ad formats you want to display
  • The level of ad customization you would like
  • How much control you want over how ads are displayed
  • Your level of tolerance for bad advertisers sneaking through

If you’re after a direct replacement for AdSense, it’s no secret that is the place to go. Offering the closest 1:1 AdSense alternative in both service and earning potential and a leading provider of contextual ad types, that’s where most bloggers start.

If your site’s reputation is the primary concern, networks like Monumetric and Amazon Associates are great to consider too. However, if you have a larger audience, you may qualify for some of the more exclusive networks.

In any case, this list of the top 24 Google AdSense alternatives includes a little something for everybody.

If you’re looking for more strategies to monetize your website, check out my free training. In this training, you will learn the top 5 techniques to profit more from your content, among a number of other awesome tips!



Article by

Matt Diggity

Matt is the founder of Diggity Marketing, LeadSpring, The Search Initiative, The Affiliate Lab, and the Chiang Mai SEO Conference. He actually does SEO too.


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