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How to Choose the Best Website Builder (9 Expert Tips)

How To Choose The Best Website Builder Featured image

With countless website builders, how can you select the best website builder that fits your unique needs? 

As a seasoned digital strategist with years of experience in website building, I have used and reviewed many website builders. 

This guide culminates countless hours of hands-on testing and deep-dive research on many builders. 

Together, we’ll explore the key factors you need to consider, such as usability, customization options, and pricing, to help you confidently choose the website builder to transform your online presence.

Quick Summary

  • To choose a website builder, consider factors like ease of use, drag-and-drop customization options, pricing, and customer support. 
  • Other factors to consider are pricing and plans, customer support and resources, SEO features, and user reviews and testimonials.
  • Choosing a website builder helps you create a professional and functional online presence that effectively represents your brand and engages your target audience.

How To Choose The Best Website Builder?

To choose the best website builder, there are several factors you must consider.

Website Builder

These are some of them:

1. Define Your Website Goals And Requirements

You need to know what you want to achieve with your website. Once you understand your website’s purpose, you can find a builder that caters to your needs.

Consider the features and functionalities you require to make your website successful. Remember to consider scalability for future growth provided by most builders.

2. Ease Of Use And User Interface

Choosing a website builder that emphasizes simplicity and ease of use is the desire of every user. That’s why finding a platform that offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial. 

A game-changer feature to look for is drag-and-drop functionality, which further simplifies the website-building process.

Friendly user interface

Also, ensuring your website looks great on all devices is important, so ensure the builder you choose provides responsive design options. 

This way, your site will automatically adjust and provide a seamless experience for both Windows and mobile users.

3. Design Templates And Customization Options

It’s important to find a website builder that offers a variety of design templates and customization options. 

Look for templates that align with your industry and aesthetic preferences, and remember the ability to personalize them with your logos, images, fonts, and colors. 

Creating a website that reflects your brand stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

4. Consider Website Performance And Speed

Having a slow-loading website is frustrating for your visitors and can also harm your search engine rankings.

Home Server Low Speed

Look for a website builder with reliable web hosting services and robust server infrastructure. Fast loading times and performance optimization features like caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) will ensure visitors have a seamless browsing experience [1].

5. Evaluate SEO And Marketing Features

SEO is crucial for increasing your website’s visibility in search engine results. It allows potential customers to find and engage with your content, products, or services. 

Look for a website builder that offers built-in SEO tools and optimization capabilities. Features like meta tags, URL customization, sitemaps, analytics, and social media platform integration are all crucial to boost your website’s visibility.

If you don’t have a long-tail SEO strategy, you’re missing out.
– Aleh Barysevich, Founder of SEO PowerSuite

6. Customer Support and Resources

Search for builders that provide various support channels like live chat, email, or phone support.

Customer Support

Additionally, check for comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and community forums. Having self-help resources at your fingertips with your website builder will empower you to tackle challenges confidently.

7. Compare Pricing and Plans

Due to varying goals and budgets, you must select the most suitable website builder that aligns with your needs and financial resources. 

Compare the pricing structures and subscription options different builders offer to find the best value for your money.

Remember, it’s not just about finding the cheapest website builder; it’s about weighing the features and capabilities included in each plan. 

Examine hidden costs or additional fees that may sneak up on you with your chosen website builder. You want to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

8. Read User Reviews And Testimonials

It’s time to hear from the real experts – the users themselves. Take some time to research and read reviews from other users and industry experts about the builders you’re considering. 


Their feedback and experiences can provide invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different builders.

Take note of their comments on ease of use, customer support, performance, and overall satisfaction with the builders. 

9. Make An Informed Decision

Compare the pros and cons of each website builder based on your defined goals and requirements.

Remember the factors that matter most to you, such as ease of use, design options, performance, integrations, pricing, and customer support. 

It is about finding the perfect fit for you and your website with the best website builder.

What Is A Website Builder?

A website builder is an online tool or software that enables individuals or businesses to create and design a website without coding knowledge or technical expertise.

Website Builder

Website builders provide a user-friendly interface with pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to customize their website’s layout, content, and design elements.

These builders typically offer a range of features, such as free domain registration, web hosting, and integration with various plugins and tools. 

They are designed to simplify the website creation process and empower users to build professional-looking websites quickly and efficiently [2].

How Does A Website Builder Work?

A website builder works by providing a digital canvas where you can effortlessly insert images, text, links, and other elements to build your dream website.

With a website builder, your pages are securely saved on a server, making them accessible from anywhere in the world.

Whether you’re working on your computer or browsing from your phone, your website will be ready to impress visitors on any device, thanks to your chosen website builder.

Website Builder

And it doesn’t stop there. Some builders go the extra mile by offering built-in SEO features. 

You can optimize your site’s appearance on search engines, making it easier for potential visitors to find you. 

Plus, with the help of SEO plugins, you can create valuable links and encourage social media shares, expanding your online reach even further.

Benefits Of Using A Website Builder

Here are some benefits you will get when you decide to go with a website builder.

1. Democratizing Web Design

With a website builder, you don’t need to be a coding expert or a professional designer to create a stunning website. 

These platforms break down the complex web design process into digestible pieces, enabling even novices to create a great online presence.

2. Time And Cost Efficiency

Time is a precious commodity, and budget is often a constraint. Website builders are time-efficient tools enabling you to create a professional-looking website quickly. 

Save time illustration

The financial investment is also usually lower than hiring a web design agency or a freelance developer. 

3. Flexibility And Customization

Website builders offer a broad spectrum of templates and customization options, allowing you to tailor your website to your unique style and needs. 

Whether you want to create an online store, a personal blog, or a portfolio site, the best builders can bring your vision to life. 

The customization options are endless, helping you create a website that reflects your brand and personality with a website builder.

4. Ease Of Maintenance

Maintaining a website can often be as challenging as creating one. However, most website builders simplify the maintenance process. 

Ease of maintenance

If you need to update your content, add new products, or adjust the design, you can easily do it without disturbing the website’s functionality. 

This ease of maintenance ensures your website stays current and continues to serve your audience effectively when you’ve selected the best website builder.


Is it Better to Build a Website from Scratch?

Yes, it is better to build a website from scratch. It helps align your site with your company’s goals and aspirations. From the beginning, you can infuse your website with your unique vision, carefully crafting its aesthetics, navigation, and overall usability.

What Are Most Websites Built With?

Most websites are built using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These three core technologies form the foundation of web development and enable the creation of dynamic and interactive web pages.


Website builders like the GoDaddy website builder or others have made it easier than ever for non-technical users to build a professional website.

Is There A Free Website Builder?

Yes, there are free website builders, such as Wix, SITE123, and Ucraft.  These providers offer a free plan, however, they typically come with certain limitations.

For instance, they may incorporate the builder’s branding in the form of watermarks, domain names, or footers on your website. 

Unlock Your Website’s Potential With The Best Website Builder

We’ve navigated the various aspects of choosing the ideal website builder, from defining your website goals and evaluating design options to considering SEO features and customer support. 

The importance of picking the right website builder cannot be overstated; it is a key determinant in establishing a successful and engaging online presence. 

Now, equipped with this comprehensive guide, you are ready to make an informed decision. So why wait? Start exploring builders like WordPress or Wix and begin your journey toward building a website that stands out.


Article by

Matt Diggity

Matt is the founder of Diggity Marketing, LeadSpring, The Search Initiative, The Affiliate Lab, and the Chiang Mai SEO Conference. He actually does SEO too.

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